* R E C I P E *

O'Neill's Ghostories -- The  Best Chill on the Net

Ok, It may not be a Ghost Story,
but a great way to Cook a Bird!

I hope no one minds

I thought my Readers might
enjoy this great way to not
only cook a bird, but have
some laughs at the same time!

Bird on Beer Can

Roasting a Brew Bird
Perched over a Can of Beer on the Grill!


(continued from
left-hand column)

I hope you enjoyed this.

If you have a Bar-B-Que,

drop me a line and let

me know how it went!

(continued in next column at top)


O'Neill's Ghostories brought to the Net
by K. R. O'Neill Productions

© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Email: keno@ghostories.com

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